XDRAGON features

XDragon is a hybrid ERC20/ERC721 token using the HybridX standard that unlocks unique onchain gamblification economy in Arbitrum

Shapeshift on Demand

HybridX lives only in fungible or non-fungible form (not both like ERC-404). You may shapeshift from ERC-20 to ERC-721 and vice versa on demand by paying some fee that goes back to the holders.

Re-Roll to Gamble

Every time you shapeshift from ERC-20 (fungible) to ERC-721 (non-fungible), you are automatically rolling dice to win all the collective fees from 80% of all previous holders transaction.

Hold to Earn

A minimum 1 token holder in the form of NFT will be entitled for the distribution of 20% from the ERC-20/ERC721 swap fee.

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